Frequently asked questions
We've conveniently gathered the most frequently asked questions about the Maastricht Citizens' Budget in one overview. We hope to answer your questions on this page. If your question isn't listed, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Anyone can participate in the Citizens' Budget regardless of age. If you are younger than 15 and have a good idea, you are welcome too, but it might be wise to ask an adult for help.
For edition 2023-2024, you could submit your project proposal from 18 June to 18 July.
Various meetings are organised on different dates where you will have ample opportunity to participate and have a say. The earlier you join, the more influence you will have.
Residents get to choose themselves which projects will be implemented during a festive closure in December 2023. The chosen project will be carried out in 2024.
Of course! But if you join later, chances are that certain choices have already been made.
Gemeente Maastricht (the municipality of Maastricht) is organising the second edition of the Citizens' Budget in 2023. We believe that residents know best what's happening in the city and have the ability to collaborate and generate innovative ideas. Our aim is to spark inspiration. What would you do for your district with 750,000 euros?
In the Citizens' Budget, you have the freedom to make your own choices and decisions. However, the municipality does review submitted project idea to ensure they comply with the law, fall within their jurisdiction, and do not conflict with ongoing developments. You'll have the opportunity to discuss your ideas with other residents and together decide which projects should be pursued.
Because the Burgerbegroting is for and by residents, we encourage residents to work together. If necessary, the municipality or another partner are ready to help.
Business owners are more than welcome to participate in the events. Ideas and initiatives must benefit the city of Maastricht. People from outside the city (or business owners who do not live in the city) are also welcome to help come up with ideas and projects that could benefit residents.