5 October 2021 - News

Off to a good start with digital welcome event

With the digital welcome event behind us, we are preparing for the physical events of the citizens' budget.


Good start!

With more than 60 registrations, we look back on the welcome event in a positive light. During this evening, residents were introduced to the working method of the citizen budget. Break-out rooms were used to get to know each other, to choose themes (round 1) and to submit projects (round 3).

digitaal welkomstevent

Positive feedback

The feedback we heard in the break-out rooms make us feel positive about the physical events. During the digital sessions, good conversations arose on various themes and challenges that play a role in the city or neighbourhoods. With the citizen budget, we not only provide beautiful projects in different parts of the city, but also a good conversation.

Participate in the decision-making


Join one of the events of round 1. In this round you choose your favourite themes together with other residents.

Choosing themes in round 1

In round 1, the themes of the citizens' budget are chosen. An important moment! Because after that, in round 2, money is distributed over the five most chosen themes. Would you like to have a say? You can! We organise events on four different locations throughout the city. You can sign up easily via our website or by sending an email to burgerbegroting [at] maastricht.nl (burgerbegroting[at]maastricht[dot]nl).